
Online fitness communities have a huge problem with :marseyretard2: posters asking stupid questions about weight loss because "eat less" is apparently a difficult concept. Lucky for us, the brave OG /r/fitnesscirclejerk users were around to shit on people all day. This image explains FCJ

I'm way too lazy to link funny comments, find your own drama, it all starts with a fairly simple post.

Best way to lift to keep numbers/strength while losing 5-7 lbs?

Im just doing 5x5 right now, i think Starting Strength, but I need to lose about 5-7 lbs :marseyobesescale: . Should I just keep lifting the same amount of weight that I am now while trying to lose weight?

I hope that made sense, Like If I lift more I would get bigger so should I just stay at my current lifting numbers or even lessen the weight im lifting?

It takes only 2 minutes to get a response

Take a dump


Edit: Thank you to whoever downvoted me for asking a question that was not covered in the FAQ. You all are a great help to people looking for help. While answers like "Take a dump." are the top comment. /s No wonder people say avoid Fittit.




Now normally this would end here, but for some reason he keeps posting and people just keep telling him to take a dump, (i'm not quoting stuff, go find all the take a dump easter eggs)

  1. Fittit, why do responses like "take a dump", which is against reddiquette, get upvoted when someone asks a question about something that is not covered in the FAQ?

  2. I got -90 karma from 2 topics on r/Fitness in 1 hour because people cant read. What silliness has happened to you on reddit?

  3. He even makes his own SRD thread Downvotes rain down after downvoters keep answering question that was never asked.

  4. ATTN Mods- FAQ Addition Request: Can the following be added to the FAQ so beginners aren't ignorantly ridiculed for asking for info that is not covered in the FAQ please?

A month later he comes back to gloat

Thanks going out to the select few Fittit redditors who actually provided requested information. I hit my goal with no reduction in numbers.

A 7 lb. dump? Darn. Must have hurt dat dere O-ring

A good redditor posted this, unfortunately your sad kind outnumbers the opposite.

Ugh. Why do people like you exist? You are not the dark nor the light in a painting. You are simply without purpose. I can't imagine a life that involves saying the foulest of shit just in hopes of making someone, somewhere, feel a little bit worse.

The worst part about your bullshit, is that it wasn't even shocking to the point where some people could possibly find it funny. You are the burnt edge of a poptart. Something that doesn't even have the impact to ruin... just something that needs to be broken off and discarded.

How meaningless of a life you live.


This spreads to other parts of reddit too.

SRD: OldManSteve asks for weight loss advice in /r/fitness, but goes mental when someone tells him to take a dump, Drama Spills everywhere

FCJ: This just in: OldManSteve still being told to take a dump

Watch me steer OldManSteve in the right direction

More random content

A year later this is still going on and /u/oldmansteve comments in /r/fitnesscirclejerk

[TW: meta, OldManSteve, Baracuda] In which OldManSteve lurks FCJ and comments on a post about him. Also he still needs to take a dump.

The moral of this story: Take a Dump fatties.


Some of this might be wrong, but I think I got most of the interesting points. Dude's dug himself a pit and there's not going to be any good way out of it, I think. It's split up based on the timestamps in his description

00:00 Does he even know how much money he makes?

  • Weird stuff at the beginning where he doesn't want to show his eyes, location or age.

  • Works at a tesla factory

  • Financial situation is "pretty wonky"

06:11 Tax fraud?

  • Left last job because he didn't want to get vaxxed

  • Didn't waste money paying taxes on the interim job :marseykingcrown:

08:49 Weird expenses?

  • Two credit cards

  • $358 in road tolls, includes late fees? He stalled them to the point of being threatened with court? :#marseybased:

10:11 You have NO MONEY!!!

  • $3049 in, $5000 out

  • "I've been... you could say... investing" :marseycool:

  • "I used to budget" "I've maxed all my credit cards" "I used to have thousands money in my savings. All those thousands absolutely gone." "I had to close my savings, in fact I didn't close it myself, the bank just completely deleted it."

11:43 Rent is 60% of his income

  • "Undisciplinary actions on a mutual basis when it comes to sharing rent, for sure"

    • His former roommate (family member, brother) ditched him and left him with the lease
  • Back and forth about whether the roommate is in fact fricking him over by leaving him with the rent bill

    • The answer seems to be a Yes but apparently it's consensual
  • Lease ends in a few months

17:53 You have NO MONEY!!! p2

19:53 Going massively into debt for a dream

  • Big money spent on audio equipment, paying in installments

  • Learning audio engineering

  • Just finished paying off a second(?) $1200 subwoofer

  • Splurged a little on audio software plugins

  • "I've had chances to make money but I did not at the time receive money"

    • He refused payment because he wasn't satisfied with the quality of his own product :marseychad:
  • Believes he will make a thousandfold return on investment

    • Has sunk at least 20k into this

26:33 150% utilization on credit cards!!!!

31:54 DebtCHAOS

  • One is over $5400 and the other is $2697

  • $1700 over his credit limit, they're still letting him purchase on it :marseyretardchad:

    • $129 interest on that in November? Not sure I heard this right
  • "Once I learned I could [spend over the credit card limit] it kinda just set this mentality that I could just do it and then pay it off"

  • $6 under the credit limit on the other one

  • Got declined on a $1 purchase :marseysad:

  • 0% interest until early spring on Credit Card 2

  • Been recently building up hardware collection, started out on software but moved onto hardware

34:00 Hidden car debt....

  • Car loan

    • More than 60% paid off

    • 4% rate

    • Cosign on the initial purchase, refinanced under his own

    • 2018 Chevy

35:31 Do you even have a financial future at this point?

29:50 Are you willing to sacrifice at all?!

  • Mostly backstory stuff

  • Had some health problems during the moving job which made him quit

  • Been cutting back on fast food

41:51 Clean up this MESS

44:03 Rent is 60% of his income p2

  • roughly 1900 on rent on a roughly 50k income? Not certain I heard this one right

  • Long defense of the brother because the brother has helped him out bigly in the past?

50:22 Broke forever...

52:35 Hammer Financial Score

EFFORTPOST Not Of Normal Criminal Element - The P-dophile Hunters of the UK


What crime is more despised in society than pedophilia? Anyone who endangers or harms children is instantly stigmatized, sometimes even killed. It's easy to understand why - kids are innocent and they are our future.

Many blokes around the world have taken it upon themselves to hunt these people and shame them. In modern day, murder isn't acceptable, so they shame them online. If you've kept up with nonce hunting scene in the UK, you'll know a few of the key groups and their incestuous history with each other.

To my understanding, Chris Hansen is the OG. His influence cannot be captured in a single graph. He importantly influenced Stinson Hunter in the UK who spearheaded the nonce hunting on TERF island. Stinson had a good run, but he eventually tried other shit that didn't work. He did, however, usher in the first โ€œwaveโ€ of nonce hunters, and it's easy to say that Shane Brannigan and Sarah Doherty (internet interceptors) were the stars.

They had some beef together and mutually destroyed one another. Internet interceptors split up with many of the members trickling into other groups such as Predator Exposure and Guardians of the North.

I'd like to show you some of my favorite p-dophile hunters from the UK and the good stings they have done. The article would have been longer but unfortunately, I stopped paying attention to the scene for a few years and come back to discover that most of the good ones have been scrubbed off the net. Nevertheless, there are still some good ones, but not the best ones.

I apologize that they are not all YouTube, as some videos are only available on Facebook. Trust me, they are worth the watch.

Shane Brannigan

If you've been in the nonce hunting scene of the UK for a while, you'll recognize Shane Brannigan as one of the OG p-dophile hunters. He has a bit of a backstory and he looks like true Norfwood mate. He was abused sexually as a child and the police never believed him. It's screwed his brain because he is psychotic in his methodology.

For many of the p-dophile hunters, you can tell they are doing it for clout. With Shane, it's clear that it's personal. You can tell he is using all his willpower to stop himself from literally killing the p-dophiles in front of him.

During Shane's heyday, he had the best videos online. He had the men terrified, and he'd often make them phone their wives. Sometimes, he would pair up with Sarah Doherty, who is another very aggressive p-dophile hunter. I used to know the story between these two and the fallout they had, but it was years ago and many of the videos have been scrubbed from the internet.

From research and memory, I have been able to piece together the story a bit, but I can't confirm the details because the videos of them talking about it themselves are gone. The point is, they eventually had beef, and Shane knew something about Sarah that made her quit p-dophile hunting altogether because she was afraid of it getting exposed.

If anyone has the tea, please share. There are also blogs online that try to cover it, but it's hard to tell what's real because some of them could be p-dophiles trying to besmirch the hunters who ruined their lives.

Here are the best stings from him:

a) Andy Salter

This is one of the best stings out there. Nice and clean, and ends with an arrest. It occurs in a confined space, which adds to the tension. Shane yells at the man, and he gets scared. Then Shane calls the female decoy who calls him a dirty c*nt.

b) Keith Goldswain

Another good, clean sting. One of the highlights of this video is that you can see the visceral fear in Keith's eyes, voice, and trembling hands. It's a sight to behold, and it makes you excited as well. He trips over his voice trying to defend himself but it's for nothing because he's banged to rights.

c) Andrew Sealey

This is a favorite of mine. Andrew Sealey is caught with his wife trying to pick up a child. The wife stays by the husband's side, so Shane attacks her as well. He gives no shits, and he doesn't mind being a woman disrespector.

Shane calls Andrew a nonce and Andrew's like โ€œI've been called worseโ€ lol.

For more Shane goodness you can watch a BBC documentary about him.

Guardians of the North

These guys used to be my favorite nonce hunters. I like the leader and his thick accent. They take no shit from the p-dophiles and they make fun of them and humiliate them. I like this group because although it is obvious they enjoy the clout, they seem to do things by the book (mostly). They also have some pretty entertaining stings under their belts.

A wild Holly appears! Holly has interviewed these lads!

These are the stings you need to watch:

a) Praju Prasad

This is a short but good one. They catch an Indian man and he immediately begins the head-bobbing motion like a bobble-toy. He gets on his knees and begs for mercy, but they want none of it. They force him to get on his feet because they don't want him to be so pathetic.

b) Ali

The folks sting someone they know! It's a man who owns a restaurant. You can tell a bit of xenophobia seeping in because they say โ€œyour family was the only one I trusted, not anyone elseโ€ obviously referring to the predator's brown community.

It gets funny when they ask him โ€œWhat would your Imam say?โ€ And he is so ashamed he cannot answer the question. They also bring up the fact that Ali's father died in a fire saving others and Ali is far from a hero.

Once again, you can see the panic and it's strong. He knows his life is over, and he wishes he could turn back the hands of time but it's too late.

Stinson Hunter

This isn't the type of guy you want in your home. Stinson has a history of drug abuse and crime. However, he now gets to be high and mighty in comparison to p-dophiles. His videos are the cream of the crop when it comes to nonce stings, with perhaps Dark Justice being the only group that comes close.

A man he stung committed suicide and Stinson doesn't give a frick.

Most of Stinson's stuff has been zapped from the net, so I'll only post one.

a) Jonathan Rowland

A man comes on a bike to meet a child. He is stopped by Stinson. The man then proceeds to lie and claim he has been framed. It is funny because he is obviously lying.


There's so many good stings gone forever. If you can help me please identify

  • indian caught and claims he just came to get KFC

  • Man ho owns a carpet store busted at work and he is made to call his wife

  • Man who is busted on Christmas at home and is kicked out by his wife

As I've mentioned in my previous post, I'm in the process of attempting to escape inceldom. I will share the results soon, and it'll be my longest post yet. I think you'll like it.


:gigacha#d4: Nathan, 26, Austin TX


  • Wearing a $600 watch timestamp

    • Claims he got it on sale 20% off
  • "It was a Christmas gift for myself" :marseygigachad:

  • "It's a nice watch, I wanna get another one I just don't have the funds to do so right now. But as soon as I do I'm gonna get one" timestamp

  • "Did you graduate high school?" :marseyconfused: timestamp

    • "Yeah, it was hard though" "Numbers and stuff, the start to look funny after a while" :marseychad:
  • "You bought yourself a watch and you said you'd do it again" :soycry: timestamp

    • "Well I bought myself some - uh nevermind" :marseygigachad:


  • "I sell cars" "Gross" timestamp

  • "My customers love me" :gigachad2:

  • "I don't just care about my commission checks, I care about people" :marseychad:

  • New car place for 2 months

    • first month between two and three thousand

    • Attempt to figure out just how much he makes timestamp

      • "They take it back when I get my commission check"

      • "It's hard to say just what I make... I don't pay attention to it" :marseyretardchad:

    • Was making 7 or 8 thousand dollars a month at his old car place

      • Thinks he will need 4 months to ramp back up to this

      • Had gotten a promotion at his old place but didn't like it as much as he thought it would be

  • "Well there's also the 1099 income from the manufacturer.... I didn't report that so I guess it could be something extra" timestamp

    • "I didn't have the money to pay the taxes on it, I spent it all" :marseykneel:
  • Not setting money aside for taxes?

  • Checks his March income later timestamp

    • 9'000 before taxes and minimum wage removal, around 6'000 after all that is taken out


  • He has two phones because he wanted two phone numbers

  • "[The debt]'s not 'new new' it's been there, it just got worse" timestam

  • Credit Card 1 (Revy) (302,32) timestamp

    • 205 amount past due, "I had to pay my rent so I couldn't pay the card"

    • 4 months of missed payments, what a king. Frick that card.

  • Credit Card 2 (CreditOne) ($500/$500) timestamp

    • Got this one after the repo - only card that would "help him out"

    • He thinks this one is closed but not sent to collections yet

  • Credit Card 3 (Also CreditOne) [timestamp](

  • Card 3 (738)

    • $125 past due - 2 payments
  • Credit Card 3 (Also CreditOne) (1500/1200) timestamp

    • $268 past due (3 payments)
  • Credit Card 4 timestamp

    • He paid this off "It's on automatic payments"

    • "I didn't catch it in time, if I'd a caught then that one would not be on autopay" :marseychad:

  • Credit Card 5 timestamp

    • $1 of credit free
  • Rent $2250 a month

    • Rents a townhouse timestamp

    • Two bed, two bath, attached two car

    • Signed lease last year, just resigned in February

  • Car got repoed "that was in the past" timestamp :marseyretardchad:

    • 4 years ago "That wasn't my fault though, that was somebody else that did that"
  • "My plan is to make more money" :marseyretardchad:

  • CashApp Payments timestamp

  • Car (14'000) [timestamp](

    • Paid the car bill late, ate a $20 late fee

    • Caleb seethes over a 2015 Chrysler 200 for some reason :marseychonker2:

    • "It was a steal"

      • dealership advertised a price but then charged him a higher price :handsomechud:

      • Got it in 2020

    • 24% interest rate, got this car soon after his other was repoed

    • Doesn't drive this around?

      • Doesn't drive it around because he got a new car, he's trying to sell and find someone gullible to take over the payments timestamp

        • "So you're going to prey on people"

          • "Nah I'm helpin help them out, it's like a quid pro quo" :chad:
    • Has hail damage. There's some weird insurance thing timestamp

    • Owes 14'000 on this $8'000 car timestamp

      • "So that's not super terrible" :marseybrainlet: :marseygigachad:
  • Car 2 (28'700) timestamp

    • Mercedes, this is the one he drives around

    • $650 minimum payment

    • 18% interest rate

    • "It's in really good condition"

  • Car 3 (13'700) timestamp

    • This was the one that got repoed

    • Nissan

    • Was in a relationship for 3-4 years, he bought a car for her mother, the mother made payments on it for 6 months but when the relationship ended and she stopped paying on it

  • Energy Bill from 2023 that he didn't pay

    • From his old place probably, he didn't know about it

    • $600 bill

    • :soyjaktantrum: "You paid for your credit report and you never went through it once?!" timestamp

      • :marseyretardchad: "No"
  • Personal Loan

    • Mentioned and then forgotten about?
  • Checking Account (-$50) timestmap

    • Lots of eating out lmao

    • He's subbed to near a dozen streaming services

      • "I be watchin shows"
  • Credit Score 567 timestamp

    • "It was worse but I've put in work"

Finances Pie Chart timestamp

Attempts to form a budgeting plan timestamp

Reported by:
  • forgotpw : Enabling piracy and IP infringement
EFFORTPOST Yuzu Setup for the Tech Illiterate

so with all the posts about Yuzu and seeing a few people confused how to get it setup (@Bussy-boy) I thought I'd just make it's own post

If you feel confident in following directions you can just directly use the guide I used here. I will be assuming you're on Windows 10/11 64 bit

For those of you who don't know, Yuzu is a Nintendo Switch emulator that recently got taken down. Someone has forked their source code luckily tho so you can still use it. There are other ways to play cracked Switch games but this seemed the easiest to me. Lets get started

Download Yuzu

You can download the Early Access build here. Just click the "" link and it will download a zip file. Extract the folder to wherever you feel like. Then open the extracted folder and run the yuzu.exe file. This should install the program and run itself, but you'll get a prompt about missing encryption keys

Encryption Keys

You will need an encryption key file to get the program working. You can download it here or DM me and I can send you the source since it's just text. Once it's downloaded, open Yuzu and go to File->Open Yuzu Folder. This will open the working directory for the program. What you need to do is put the prod.keys file in the keys folder (make sure if you opened it in notepad it didn't rename it to prod.keys.txt). Now restart Yuzu and there should no longer be a warning message.

(Optional) Firmware

You don't need to do this step but it says that some games will crash if you don't. You can download firmware from here, just use the latest one. Unzip the folder, and open the Yuzu folder again. This time navigate to "nand\system\Contents\registered" and paste all of the NCA files from the firmware folder into there

okay now Yuzu is setup, we need some games

Installing Games

Here are a few websites you can download Switch games from: (

I'm going to use Zelda Breath of the Wild as an example because it has an update and some DLC. Note that you can only use NSP and XCI files on Yuzu. NSP files will typically be separated into the base game, updates, and DLC; which can also sometimes be split into 5GB chunks. XCI has everything together, but I haven't really seen any of those. So I'm going to download all the files from this page using MegaUp which is estimated about 30 minutes. Torrenting would also probably be a bit faster but that's up to you, I don't really use it.

Okay so now we have 3 base game, 2 DLC, and 1 update NSP files. First it's recommended we create a folder to put our Switch games. Then we will need to merge the 3 base game files. I was having massive problems with the built in Windows zip utility so I recommend getting 7zip and using that. Just select the part 1,2,and 3 zips together, right click and extract files to your Switch games location; this should merge all of them into a 14.1GB NSP file. Do the same if your game's DLC or update files are split

Before we run the game we should install the update and DLC files. To do this, simply go to File->Install Files to NAND and then select what you want. These are copied to the Yuzu folder so you don't need to keep a copy

I recommend adding your Switch game directory to the main window in Yuzu by clicking "Add New Game Directory", selecting your folder, and then when it's added right click the folder and check the "Scan Subfolders" option. You can also tell from here if your game is being read properly and the Add-ons column will show if the extras were installed correctly. Now just double click the game and you're good to go

Linux Stuff - from @TriHard

Yes. There are only a couple of small things to note:

  • On Linux, you want the AppImage release. Most Linux distros support AppImages.
  • Once you download the AppImage, try running it. If it doesn't work, it's probably because you're missing FUSE 2. Install it with your package manager (I use Artix btw so mine is Pacman): > sudo pacman -S fuse2
  • Keys can be installed directly in Yuzu by going to Tools > Install Decryption Keys, and selecting prod.keys.
  • Firmware can be installed by going to Tools > Install Firmware, and selecting the folder containing the extracted firmware files.
  • By default, all Yuzu-related files are located in ~/.local/share/yuzu.


I don't have all that much experience actually using the emulator so I'm going to skip this part and say just refer to the linked guide. This will help with optimizing Yuzu for your system, show you how to make save states, load mods, etc

If you have any question or if I did something wrong/inefficiently let me know. Otherwise have fun crackers!

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